Autodesk® Revit® BIM
(Building Information Modeling) Drawings
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19PV --> Water Cooled Centrifugal Liquid Chiller
30HXCPhaseIII --> Water Cooled Liquid Chiller/Heat Pump
30KAV/30KAVP --> Variable-speed screw chiller with Greenspeed� intelligence
30KAVIZE --> Air Cooled Chiller / Heat Pump Range
30KAVZE/30KAVPZE --> Air Cooled Axial Fan Liquid Chiller
30RB-/30RBP_R-32 --> Air Cooled Axial Fan Liquid Chiller
30RB-/30RBP_R-32_France --> Air Cooled Axial Fan Liquid Chiller
30RB_302-522 --> Air Cooled Axial Fan Liquid Chiller
30RB_40-160_R-32 --> Air Cooled Axial Fan Liquid Chiller
30RB_602-802 --> Air Cooled Axial Fan Liquid Chiller
30RB_604-804 --> Air Cooled Axial Fan Liquid Chiller
30RBM/30RBP --> Air Cooled Liquid Chiller
30RBS_40-160 --> Air Cooled Axial fan Liquid Chiller
30RBSY_039-160 --> Air Cooled Axial fan Liquid Chiller
30RBV_30RQV --> Air Cooled Chiller / Heat Pump Range
30RQ-/30RQP_R-32 --> Air Cooled Axial fan Liquid Chiller/Heat Pump
30RQ_182-262B_302-522 --> Air Cooled Axial Fan Heat Pump/Liquid Chiller
30RQ_40-160_R-32 --> Air Cooled Axial Fan Ductable heat Pump
30RQM/30RQP --> Air Cooled Axial Fan Heat Pump/Liquid Chiller
30RQS_40-160 --> Air Cooled Axial fan Liquid Chiller/Heat Pump
30RQSY_039-160 --> Air Cooled Axial Fan Heat Pump/Liquid Chiller
30WG_Aquasnap_Cooling --> Water Cooled Liquid Chiller
30WI_Aquasnap --> Water Cooled Liquid Chiller/Heat Pump
30XA_60Hz_Aquaforce --> Air Cooled Axial fan Liquid Chiller
30XA_Aquaforce --> Air Cooled Axial Fan Liquid Chiller
30XAV --> Air Cooled Screw Liquid Chiller with Greenspeed Technology
30XB_Aquaforce --> Fixed-speed screw chiller air-cooled
30XBE/30XBP --> Fixed-speed screw chiller air-cooled
30XBEZE/30XBPZE --> Fixed-speed screw chiller air-cooled
30XBV --> Variable-speed air-cooled screw chiller
30XBZE/30XBPZE_old_before_2021 --> Air Cooled Screw Liquid Chiller with Greenspeed Technology
30XF --> Air Cooled Ductable Liquid Chiller / Heat Pump
30XW/30XW-P_30XWH/30XWHP --> Water Cooled Screw Liquid Chiller
30XW-PZE_30XWHPZE --> Water Cooled Liquid Chiller/Heat Pump
30XW-V_30XWHV --> Variable-speed Water-Cooled Chiller/Heat Pump
30XW-VZE_30XWHVZE --> Water Cooled Liquid Chiller/Heat Pump
36XB --> Hybrid Terminal
36XH --> Hybrid Terminal
38RBS_039-160 --> Air Cooled Condensing Units
38VS*174H --> VRF - Outdoor units - Side Discharge Heat Pump heat pump dual fan 8-10-12 HP
38VS*17S/3H --> VRF - Outdoor units - Side Discharge Heat Pump dual fan 4-5-6 HP
38VS*C7SH --> VRF - Outdoor units - Side Discharge Heat Pump single fan 4-5 HP
38VT*173H --> VRF - Outdoor units - Top Discharge Heat Pump
38VT*173R --> VRF - Outdoor units - Top Discharge Heat Recovery
39HX_Culoz_factory --> Air Handling Units
39HX_Mortagne_factory --> Air Handling Units
40VC*F-7G --> VRF - Indoor units - Flex Ceiling Floor (AC Fan)
40VC*F-7S --> VRF - Indoor units - Flex Ceiling Floor (DC Fan)
40VD*H-7S --> VRF - Indoor units - High static duct 0 - 250 Pa
40VD*L-7E --> VRF - Indoor units - Slim duct
40VD*S-7S --> VRF - Indoor units - Standard static duct 20 - 200 Pa
40VH*A-7G --> VRF - Indoor units - Heat Reclaim Ventilation
40VK*S-7S(2) --> VRF - Indoor units - High Wall
40VL*B-7E --> VRF - Indoor units - Two-way console
40VL*R-7G --> VRF - Indoor units - Console recessed
40VU*1-7E --> VRF - Indoor units - One-way cassette
40VU*2-7G --> VRF - Indoor units - Two-way cassette
40VU*C-7S --> VRF - Indoor units - Compact four-way cassette
40VU*R-7E --> VRF - Indoor units - Round-way cassette
42BJ --> Individual Comfort Module AC motor variable speed (up to September 2014)
42BJ_MCI_LEC --> Ductable Fan Coil Unit (since November 2011)
42EM --> Ducted Fan Coil Range
42EP --> Ductable Fan Coil Unit
42ET --> Ductable Fan Coil Unit
42GR --> Air Treatment Module
42GW-AC/LEC --> Cassette Fan Coil (since February 2012)
42KY --> One-way coanda effect cassette
42N_S/E --> Fan coil - cabinet or concealed (up to December 2019)
42NC/ND/NR/NI/NU --> Fan coil - cabinet or concealed (since December 2019)
42NL/NH --> Ducted Fan Coil Range
42NX --> Fan coil unit
50/48 UC-(V)/UP-(V)(R410A) --> Rooftop
50CJ --> Close control air conditioning units
50CO --> Close control air conditioning units
50FC_100-280_R-410A --> Packaged Rooftop Heat Pumps with Gas Heating Units
50FF_50FC_020-093 R-454B --> Rooftop
50FF_50FC_020-099_R-410A --> Rooftop
50FF_50FC_100-280_R-454B --> Packaged Rooftop Heat Pumps with Gas Heating Units
50NC --> Room Air Conditioner
61AF_22-105 --> Air To Water Heat Pump
61AQ --> Air Cooled Heat Pump/Chiller
61WG_Aquasnap_Heating --> Water Source Heating Unit
61XWH-ZE --> Water to Water Heat Pump